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Effective ACL Tear Treatment in India: 4 Steps for a Speedy Recovery at the Center for Sports Injury

Have you been diagnosed with an ACL Tear and have a multitude of questions in mind like what it is, how it will be treated, and when will I get back to work? Now you need not worry, as the Center for Sports Injury brings answers to all your queries and concerns and emphasizes 4 important steps that will ensure your speedy recovery from an ACL Tear treatment in India.

What is an ACL Tear?

ACL or Anterior Cruciate Ligament is amongst the most important ligaments stabilizing the knee joint. It is the most common injury occurring in athletes involved in contact sports like football, basketball, etc.

What is the treatment for ACL Tear?

The treatment for ACL tear depends upon the grade of the tear and the individual's activity level. Partial tears can be managed conservatively using a combination of braces physio rehab, growth factor injections, etc. Complete tears are managed surgically by a keyhole surgery. A physical assessment by the Orthopedic surgeon followed by an MRI scan diagnoses the grade of ACL tear.

What is meant by ACL Reconstruction Surgery?

ACL Reconstruction Surgery is a surgical procedure that reconstructs the torn ACL ligament with the help of a hybrid tendon graft taken from the patient’s own body.

What is the success rate of ACL reconstruction surgery with CSI?

At CSI, we have a 99% success rate of ACL reconstruction surgeries as ACL reconstruction highly depends on the expertise of the surgeon and how frequently the surgery is performed at the center. Besides this, the success rate also depends on the quality of the implants used, the severity of the injury, and the expertise of the Physiotherapy rehabilitation team.

When can I walk after surgery and get back to my daily routine?

At CSI, ACL reconstruction is a day care procedure and the patient is made to walk with crutches on the same day. The patient usually gets back to his daily routine like driving etc. within 3 weeks with a brace applied.

What are the possible risks of undergoing ACL Tear Repair?

Any surgery has its risks. There are minor risks of General Anesthesia but there are no major associated risks of ACL Tear repair surgery.

When can I safely return to sports?

Athletes treated at CSI usually return to competitive sports within 5-6 months we follow an individualized rehab protocol to get u back to ur sports and optimum levels minimizing risks of injury and re-tears.

How much does an ACL Tear Repair/ Reconstruction surgery cost in Delhi?

ACL tear repair/reconstruction surgery cost in Delhi varies and depends on the type of facility, the orthopedic surgeon you choose for your surgery, the nature of implants used, and rehabilitation costs. For overseas patients, the cost of stay and travel are also added to the total amount of treatment cost for ACL tear surgery in India.

Why CSI?

The Center for Sports Injury is one of the best hospitals for ACL reconstruction surgery in Delhi. We have a multidisciplinary team of the best Orthopedic surgeons, Physiotherapists, Diagnostics, Nutritionists, and Counsellors, all under one roof making CSI the best Sports injury center in Delhi, India.

At CSI, you get quality treatment at an affordable cost as compared to other hospitals for ACL tear repair/reconstruction surgery in India.

4 Steps for a Speedy Recovery at the Center for Sports Injury

CSI recommends the following 4 steps to ensure your speedy recovery from your ACL reconstruction surgery in India:

Step 1 - Adequate Rest adequate rest and immobilization: For the first 2 weeks, the patient is advised to rest, and the leg is immobilized in a brace for healing of the surgical site. Some at-home exercises are advised to keep muscles active and ready for the second phase.

Step 2 - Optimum Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation - after 2 weeks a graded individualized rehab and physio protocol is followed for achieving full range of motion and and optimum muscle strength and performance. Specific pain management modalities and strengthening and proprioception exercises ensure a smooth recovery.

Step 3 - Graft choice - Many surgeons in India use the Peroneus Tendon graft from the ankle as it is an easier graft to harvest. However, this may reduce peak torque eversion and inversion of the ankle reducing the peak performance of athletes especially, footballers. At CSI we use the bone patellar tendon and hamstring grafts for the ACL surgery to ensure athletes have peak sports performances post-surgery.

Step 4 - Return to Sports - At CSI, we follow a structured and rigorous rehab and muscle strengthening protocol to ensure athletes get back to sports in 5-6 months with minimum chances of retears and injuries

Know more about ACL tear repair surgery in India or ACL reconstruction surgery in Delhi at or fill out the inquiry form or call 011 4122 3333 for appointments.

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